What is UT Libraries' proxy information for off-campus access?


UT Libraries resources are configured for on and off-campus access. All you need is your NetID and Password to be properly authenticated for access. UT Libraries uses EZproxy for our on- and off-campus proxy service.

We always recommend using permalinks from OneSearch in Canvas, syllabi, etc. These links are set up for you to be authenticated regardless of your location.


However, if you use a citation manager, or save a URL, you may need to manually add our proxy prefix. Place this prefix in front of your resource URL:

https://utk.idm.oclc.org/login?url=[INSERT URL]


UT Libraries recommends Libkey Nomad for one-click access to PDFs. Please review the LibKey Nomad Tutorial for more information.

If you experience any access issues, contact the Libraries!

  • Last Updated Sep 11, 2023
  • Views 1577
  • Answered By Brittany Hatcher

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