What library resources are available to UTK alumni?


Please check out our alumni portal for several online resources.

UTK alumni may purchase a donor card to check out books from UT Libraries. While alumni are welcome to use our computers and online databases in the library, off-campus access is restricted to currently enrolled students.

Be sure to check your local public library. They may have the database you need, and they can borrow books on your behalf from other libraries. 


  • Last Updated Aug 20, 2021
  • Views 1256
  • Answered By Greg Womac

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  1. Does computer access for alumni include the use of resources such as Adobe Acrobat Pro and Adobe Creative Cloud applications?
    by Alex Goldberger on Aug 20, 2018
  2. Unfortunately, no. OIT manages the software contracts, and the license agreements usually limit distribution to current UTK students and faculty. But check the Adobe web site for discount pricing for educational and non-profit uses.
    by UTK Libraries on Aug 20, 2018