How do I find a thesis or dissertation?


The best place to find UTK theses and dissertations is Trace, our institutional repository.

For theses and dissertations published prior to 2007, you can also try OneSearch. *Tip: To find master's theses by department in OneSearch, enter the department name and the words, utk theses, e.g. Nursing utk theses.*

Many UTK dissertations/theses are available electronically. Those currently available only in print form will be digitized on request at no charge for anyone, including individuals not affiliated with UTK.

You can find dissertations and theses from other universities by searching the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database. To obtain copies of non-UTK theses and dissertations not available online, submit a request to Resource Sharing.

If you are affiliated with another university, ask your librarian if you have access to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. If the UTK dissertation you need was published prior to 2007, that database may have a digitized copy.

  • Last Updated Aug 10, 2022
  • Views 6980
  • Answered By Kathryn Brooks

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