How do I connect to the wireless network?


There are two wireless networks available at UTK:

ut-open is an open network available to faculty, staff, students and visitors. 

eduroam is a secure network only available to faculty, staff and students. It requires log in with a NetID to access.

If you are trying to access one of UTK's wireless networks for the first time, you must first register your device. When you connect to the network and then open a browser, you will be prompted to register automatically. After registering, you should be able to access UTK's networks.

As of October 2020: If you are using a device on iOS and iPad 14 release, you will need to disable a new privacy feature that hides your MAC address in order to use the ut-open and/or eduroam networks. Specific instructions are located in the OIT Knowledge Base.

If you are not prompted to register, or have any difficulties in connecting to UTK's networks, please visit the OIT Help Page. 


  • Last Updated Feb 23, 2024
  • Views 404
  • Answered By Brittany Hatcher

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